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Bulk Quotes

Get a real-time price quote for a multiple stocks in a single API request.


The bulkquotes endpoint is designed to return hundreds of symbols at once or full market snapshots. Response times for less than 50 symbols will be quicker using the standard quotes endpoint and sending your requests in parallel.




Request Example

Response Example

"s": "ok",
"symbol": ["AAPL", "META", "MSFT"],
"ask": [187.67, 396.9, 407.0],
"askSize": [1, 6, 1],
"bid": [187.65, 396.8, 406.97],
"bidSize": [1, 3, 3],
"mid": [187.66, 396.85, 406.985],
"last": [187.65, 396.85, 407.0],
"change": [-4.079999999999984, -4.169999999999959, -2.7200000000000273],
"changepct": [-0.021279924894382643, -0.010398483866141239, -0.006638680074197078],
"volume": [55299411, 18344385, 29269513],
"updated": [1706650085, 1706650085, 1706650085]

Request Parameters

  • symbols string

    The ticker symbols to return in the response, separated by commas. The symbols parameter may be omitted if the snapshot parameter is set to true.

Response Attributes

  • s string

    Will always be ok when there is data for the symbol requested.

  • symbol array[string]

    The symbol of the stock.

  • ask array[number]

    The ask price of the stock.

  • askSize array[number]

    The number of shares offered at the ask price.

  • bid array[number]

    The bid price.

  • bidSize array[number]

    The number of shares that may be sold at the bid price.

  • mid array[number]

    The midpoint price between the ask and the bid.

  • last array[number]

    The last price the stock traded at.

  • change array[number]

    The difference in price in dollars (or the security's currency if different from dollars) compared to the closing price of the previous day.

  • changepct array[number]

The difference in price in percent, expressed as a decimal, compared to the closing price of the previous day. For example, a 30% change will be represented as 0.30.

  • 52weekHigh array[number]

    The 52-week high for the stock. This parameter is omitted unless the optional 52week request parameter is set to true.

  • 52weekLow array[number]

    The 52-week low for the stock. This parameter is omitted unless the optional 52week request parameter is set to true.

  • volume array[number]

    The number of shares traded during the current session.

  • updated array[date]

    The date/time of the current stock quote.


  • The bulkquotes endpoint will consume one request for each symbol returned in the response.