Options Data

Navigate Volatility with Confidence

From subtle shifts to dramatic market swings, Market Data prepares you to tackle volatility like a pro. Dive deep into options with clarity and precision, backed by our robust data.

Market Data Options APIs

Simple To Use, Effortless Configuration, Advanced Filtering

Download full option chains, use sophisticated filtering, get real-time or historical data with our robust options APIs, tailored for every requirement. Gain a competitive edge with our detailed and responsive data solutions.



Quotes With More Than Just Bid & Ask

Detailed real-time or historical (end of day) options quotes with a single easy-to-use endpoint. Keep up with the price, but see beyond it.

  "s": "ok",
  "updated": [1693588294],
  "optionSymbol": ["AAPL230915C00200000"],
  "underlying": ["AAPL"],
  "expiration": [1694808000],
  "side": ["call"],
  "strike": [200.0],
  "firstTraded": [1626787800],
  "dte": [14],
  "bid": [0.23],
  "bidSize": [1044],
  "mid": [0.24],
  "ask": [0.24],
  "askSize": [623],
  "last": [0.24],
  "openInterest": [54331],
  "volume": [8211],
  "inTheMoney": [false],
  "intrinsicValue": [0.0],
  "extrinsicValue": [0.24],
  "underlyingPrice": [189.0],
  "iv": [0.187],
  "delta": [0.075],
  "gamma": [0.02],
  "theta": [-0.036],
  "vega": [0.054],
  "rho": [0.006]


The World's Most Configurable Option Chain Endpoint

Save weeks of coding time by integrating our option chain API into your application. Every filter you think you need to code has already been built by our team. Get the exact contracts you need with no code necessary.

  "s": "ok",
  "updated": [1693588212, 1693588212, 1693588212, 1693588212],
  "optionSymbol": [
    "AAPL230915C00187500", "AAPL230915C00190000", 
    "AAPL230915P00187500", "AAPL230915P00190000"
  "underlying": ["AAPL", "AAPL", "AAPL", "AAPL"],
  "expiration": [1694808000, 1694808000, 1694808000, 1694808000],
  "side": ["call", "call", "put", "put"],
  "strike": [187.5, 190.0, 187.5, 190.0],
  "firstTraded": [1692624600, 1626787800, 1692624600, 1626787800],
  "dte": [14, 14, 14, 14],
  "bid": [3.65, 2.33, 1.87, 3.0],
  "bidSize": [994, 170, 81, 302],
  "mid": [3.7, 2.34, 1.88, 3.02],
  "ask": [3.75, 2.34, 1.88, 3.05],
  "askSize": [1052, 255, 233, 1112],
  "last": [3.7, 2.32, 1.86, 2.98],
  "openInterest": [17481, 57216, 8077, 19092],
  "volume": [3470, 17475, 4293, 7403],
  "inTheMoney": [true, false, false, true],
  "intrinsicValue": [1.47, 0.0, 0.0, 1.03],
  "extrinsicValue": [2.23, 2.34, 1.88, 1.99],
  "underlyingPrice": [188.97, 188.97, 188.97, 188.97],
  "iv": [0.178, 0.176, 0.178, 0.176],
  "delta": [0.613, 0.466, -0.389, -0.538],
  "gamma": [0.057, 0.06, 0.058, 0.061],
  "theta": [-0.101, -0.1, -0.079, -0.079],
  "vega": [0.145, 0.15, 0.145, 0.15],
  "rho": [0.045, 0.034, -0.029, -0.038]


Find Out When Options Are Expiring

Get a complete list of an underlying's available expiration dates quickly. Make historical requests using the same endpoint to find out when options expired in the past.

    "s": "ok",
    "expirations": [
    "updated": 1715866180


Get Every Strike For Each Expiration

The Strikes API gives you the complete structure of the option chain with a minimal response size. Browse the option chain without the need to download every contract.

  "s": "ok",
  "updated": 1663704000,
  "2023-01-20": [
    30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 50.0,
    55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0,
    75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0,
    95.0, 100.0, 105.0, 110.0,
    115.0, 120.0, 125.0, 130.0,
    135.0, 140.0, 145.0, 150.0,
    155.0, 160.0, 165.0, 170.0,
    175.0, 180.0, 185.0, 190.0,
    195.0, 200.0, 205.0, 210.0,
    215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 230.0,
    235.0, 240.0, 245.0, 250.0,
    260.0, 270.0, 280.0, 290.0,


Lookup Option Symbols Using Natural Language

Lookup option symbols using text like "AAPL Jan $200 Call" instead of AAPL250117C00200000. Convert proprietary output from broker platforms to industry-standard option symbols.

    "s": "ok",
    "optionSymbol": "AAPL250117C00200000"


The Do-It-All Formula for Options Data

Designed for both real-time quotes and historical end of day quotes, OPTIONDATA is fully configurable and provides pricing data, greeks, implied volatility, and contract details for every option trading in the US. The OPTIONDATA formula is your Swiss Army knife for financial insights.

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Market Data API

Our RESTful API allows on-demand access to our entire data catalog. With a single subscription plan, get access to both real-time and historic data on whatever instrument you need.

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Google Sheets Add-on

Use simple formulas based on GoogleFinance to download market data directly into your Google spreadsheets. Both real-time and historical data is available.